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Own Media


Means by which we unite

to the community and inform

of topics of interest.

Profile: Informational magazine of monthly publication, letter size, compact and attractive design with themes focused on the elderly public. Free distribution.


We want to collect in a single medium, the activities and topics of interest to people over 50 years of age, most of which are isolated from society, and which are undoubtedly a market niche that consumes, buys and has a lot of to contribute to society.


Content: Chronicles, articles, interviews and high-quality reports, with themes such as: Events, health, family, recreation, sports, cooking, crafts, decoration, gardening, easy carpentry, news, entertainment, travel, science, technology, investment, purchases, real estate, pensions, insurance and financing.


Additional sections: Classifieds, Social Network, Coupon for discounts, Cartoon, Activities.


Production team: Four Editors, illustrator, photographer and designer.


Distribution: Parks, recreation sites for the elderly, pension payment sites, social security, private clinics, among other sites frequented by the PO

Note: Each client will be given the link where the photos and videos of the magazine distribution will be uploaded.


Reader profile: Class B-, B, B + and B ++ men and women, aged 50 and over. Those looking for integration, entertainment and information according to their needs.


Print run: 10,000 copies.

Desenrollar la alfombra



Logo C Sur Versalles.png


Simple decorations that will make your  home.


The best activities to do this month

Don bosco

What happens in our village?

As a result of the need for easier and faster access to products and services, the growing demand for residential expansion in the Versailles and South Coast areas increasingly expands the commercial proposal of the sector. For this reason, we have decided to produce a printed and digital medium to inform our readers of all the businesses available in their area of residence, information of interest and issues related to the community.


Profile: Magazine of offers and discounts, exclusively for the areas of Costa Sur (Villa Valencia, El Doral, Sunset Coast, Costa Sur Village, Costa Esmeralda and Costa Sur Club Pijao), Versalles, Las Acacias and Don Bosco.


Content: High quality articles, reports and infomercials, with themes such as: Events, health, family, recreation, decoration, sports, news and more.


Monthly Outreach: More than 50,000 residents.


Distribution: FREE, in commercial premises in the area, distribution in parks and shopping malls, and home deliveries; door to door.


Print run: 10,000 copies, covers in glossy paper, full color, 10 "x 10", with monthly circulation between the 1st and the 10th of each month.


Digital version here.

maquillaje brillante


Young people in politics


The new one



Regia without passing

hours in the mirror


Which ones have

best proposals?

Young people are a target that, although it consumes at high levels, does so promoted by vain information, and lacks argumentation to make better decisions.


Smart & Fun proposes a medium  that provides information of interest both in terms of fun, such as education, technology, sexual life, social  and family.


Profile: Magazine of varied information, with topics of interest to young people between 14 and 24  years.


Content: High quality articles, reports and infomercials, with themes such as: science, technology, sports, health, events, fashion, family, sexuality,  nightlife, news and more.


Monthly Outreach: More than 350,000 young people.


Distribution: In premises, shopping malls,   colleges and universities of Panama.


Cost: B / .1,00


Print run: 50,000 copies, covers in glossy paper, full color, 10 "x 10", with monthly circulation between the 1st and the 10th of each month.


Versions: Printed and digital in pdf; downloadable here and social networks.

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